Daniel Porter
Jun 29, 2012

Alright, Sergey Brin, I'm impressed...

I'll admit, I wasn't entirely convinced by the skydiving project glass demo that Google revealed on the first I/O day -- it was almost a little too gimmicky. I'll eat my words today, though, and can't help but awed by the audacity of Google's live recreation on day two. I'll try not to spoil the fun, but the following ten-minute video involves skydivers, mountain-bikers, rapellers, and one very relieved Sergei Brin. There were a lot of things that could have gone wrong (innocent bystanders nearly getting creamed by bikers, for example) but to Google's credit, everything went pretty smoothly in what was one of the most impressive live tech demo's I've ever seen. I wonder what they're going come up with next year!