Patexia Ali Lotfizadeh’s

Ali Lotfizadeh > About Me

Profile Info & Bio

First Name
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Interests Science and Technology  
Degree: MD  
Ali is a graduate of the UCLA School of Medicine and the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. He has been involved in research since college, where he studied cell signaling during fertilization and transcriptional regulation in immune cell development, as a Beckman Scholar. During medical school, Ali conducted research on vocal cord function using surgical experimental techniques. In addition to his basic science research, Ali has an interest in health systems strengthening and innovative strategies for cost-effective healthcare provision. He has served as a physician researcher conducting comparative effectiveness research on the cost-effectiveness and utility of drugs for the treatment of type II diabetes and atrial fibrillation. He is co-founder and director of PASHA, a Los Angeles-based non-profit that seeks to engage local diaspora communities in global health efforts.
Skills Public Health  

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You earned this badge on April 30, 2015 when you joined the Public Health interest group.
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You earned this badge on April 24, 2012 when you commented on this item: Mechanism behind 'brain freeze' may shed light on migraine cause.
The Journalist Badge
For those in the know, the Journalist badge is earned by posting an article or a link to the Community Newsfeed.
You earned this badge on January 19, 2012 when you posted this to the Newsfeed: Synthetic trachea is a new step in regenerative medicine.
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An Unknown Badge
"Come, Watson, come!" he cried. "The game is afoot."
- Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure of the The Abbey Grange
Some mysteries were meant to be solved. This badge will be revealed when the time is right.