Mikele Bicolli
May 15, 2022

Marketing Reasons on Why to Patent Your Product

IP generally and patents specifically, prevent others from using your solution, trademark and design. In this direction, having a patent for your products or services will help you for legal purposes and that’s one of the main reasons why business owners file the applications. From there, is somehow easy to monitor the competition and file lawsuits if someone infringes your rights. However, patenting your ideas has even more benefits in a business perspective.

Marketing is one of the core activities in a business that finds new ways on how to promote and sell the products or services. A good marketing advisor will certainly guide you on how to use patents in order to build a stronger reputation and reach your customers with efficiency. Did you know that a product or service that has the label “patented” is perceived superior by customers and unique as well since it’s not copyable? Moreover, customers perceive the company behind a patented product as innovative and these are observations derived by almost all surveys conducted by businesses reaching their target audience. For startups getting in a highly competitive market, it’s strongly advised to obtain a patent for their product if it satisfies the patentability requirements. Not only you will obtain patent protection in case of infringement, but you get to showcase your product and highlight it from the many alternatives out there. When it comes to your company and the brand, patents have power as well. If you aim to attract funding and investors, patents are the way to go. Everyone realizes their power nowadays, and additionally, if your business has a patent portfolio, surely it will add value to your business.