Patexia Maryam Keyvani’s

Maryam Keyvani > About Me

Profile Info & Bio

First Name
Last Name
Director of Marketing
Interests Science and Technology  
Degree: MS  
Product Marketing and Product Management professional with 10 years experience in high-tech delivering B2B and B2C solutions. Passionate about removing complexities and installing simple, innovative, and elegant business strategies. Experienced in finding the best technology-product-market fit, (re)creating business strategies, building teams, and penetrating new markets. Have worked for both large public and startup firms. Among the first few members of three start-up companies, raised funds, acquired first customers, and built the companies from the ground up. 10 years of experience working with international customers and partners in the Far East, Europe, and North America. Speak English, Spanish and Farsi. Currently, as the Director of Marketing at Patexia I am building an online social network for scientists, researchers, and science and technology experts and businesses. Our mission is to speed up the pace of innovation by facilitating collaboration and creating more transparency in the science and tech community. Also, as the president of global kitesurfing destination website, I manage advertiser accounts, content generation, search engine optimization, and software development.
Department Business  
Skills Semiconductors, Solar Energy, Intellectual Property, Optoelectronics, Mental Health  

Your Rank

You're on your way! You've just begun your Patexia journey with many exciting opportunities to come.  
Your Badges
The Join Up Badge
For those who show their expertise and interests, the Join Up badge is earned by following an interest group.
You earned this badge on April 30, 2015 when you joined the Semiconductors interest group.
The Two Cents Badge
For those who make their voices heard, the Two Cents badge is earned by commenting on the discussion thread of an article or blog post.
You earned this badge on June 13, 2012 when you commented on this item: Innovations in Health Care Spending.
The Journalist Badge
For those in the know, the Journalist badge is earned by posting an article or a link to the Community Newsfeed.
You earned this badge on May 8, 2012 when you posted this to the Newsfeed: I am testing!.
The Risk Taker Badge
For the bold and daring, the Risk Taker badge is earned by participating in your first Contest.
You earned this badge on June 25, 2012 when you participated in Optimization of a Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Architecture.
The #1 Badge
For top researchers, the #1 badge is earned by winning a Contest.
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The Scholar Badge
For those who go above and beyond, the Scholar badge is earned by submitting a non-patent reference to a Prior Art Search contest.
You have not earned this badge yet. Here are some non-patent literature databases and tips to get you started submitting a non-patent reference.
The Consultant Badge
For expert consultants, the Consultant badge is earned by being hired for a Connect.
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The Sharing is Caring Badge
For the members who spread the word, the Sharing is Caring badge is earned by getting a colleague to join Patexia using the referral link.
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The Early Bird Badge
For those who don't procrastinate, the Early Bird badge is earned by submitting to a contest early, well before the deadline.
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An Unknown Badge
"Come, Watson, come!" he cried. "The game is afoot."
- Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure of the The Abbey Grange
Some mysteries were meant to be solved. This badge will be revealed when the time is right.