Patexia Louis DeFilippi’s

Louis DeFilippi > About Me

Profile Info & Bio

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President and Senior Consultant
Interests Science and Technology  
Languages English  
- Consultant supplying technical and attorney support (expert witness), especially biotechnology with stress on biochemistry, protein and enzymatic transformations, purification & separations science processes, involving genetically modified mammalian and microbial biologics. Most recently focus has been on enzyme/ protein/ polypeptide injectables production and purification, in, for example, enzyme replacement therapy (e.g., Hunter Syndrome / Mucopolysaccharidosis, injectable biologic iduronate-2-sulfatase, the enzyme that is deficient or absent in people with Hunter syndrome); biologically active polypeptides (e.g., glatiramer acetate / mannitol injectable for multiple sclerosis treatment); monoclonal antibodies (e.g., extraction and purification of recombinant ranibizumab injectable [agent slows growth of abnormal new blood vessels]); enzyme-based cholesterol test strips; well versed in regulatory compliance (OSHA and EPA regulations); attorney support in civil cases of consumer and worker injury; also, past projects have addressed continuous fixed-film processes / biological treatment of hazardous wastes - Specialties: Pharmaceutical applications; Continuous processes; process optimization; immobilized enzymes and cells; fixed film microbiological reactors; chemical and biochemical reactions and analysis; separations and purification; chromatography, microorganisms; biological treatment of hazardous wastes; environmental; antimicrobial agents; patent infringement services; claim construction; regulatory compliance; hazard analysis / Food safety, HACCP, SSOPs; extensive international experience - Experienced as expert witness (expert opinion, IPR / inter partes report, deposition, evidentiary hearing) in above areas.
LinkedIn Profile URL LinkedIn  
Department Consulting  
Skills Pharma, Chemical Engineering, Biology, Organic Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Life Science, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Chemistry  

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You earned this badge on March 6, 2023 when you joined the Biochemistry interest group.
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The Consultant Badge
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You earned this badge on March 6, 2023 when you were hired for Biochemical Expert.
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An Unknown Badge
"Come, Watson, come!" he cried. "The game is afoot."
- Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure of the The Abbey Grange
Some mysteries were meant to be solved. This badge will be revealed when the time is right.