Patexia Christopher Spargo’s

Christopher Spargo > About Me

Profile Info & Bio

First Name
Last Name
Technical Director
Country United Kingdom  
Interests Science and Technology  
Degree: Ph.D  
A specialist in synchronous reluctance machine design. I am the Technical Director of a new and innovative consultancy company, Electric Machine Consultancies UK Ltd. We specialise in electric motor design, consultancy and training services. For more information, please visit our website: Please do not hesitate to contact me to discuss any consultancy requirements you may have. Currently, I am also working towards a doctoral degree (PhD) within the Power Electronics, Drives and Machines research group at Newcastle University. My PhD is both EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council) and industrially funded (Cummins Generator Technologies). The project looks at rotating electrical machines with no remanence or rare earth materials - i.e. reluctance machines (synchronous and switched) for future traction applications (PEV and HEV). I gained a first class BEng honours degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, graduating top of my year, gaining two peer reviewed publications (conference and journal) with my final year project (on semiconductor technology) and won two school prizes for academic excellence. Additionally, I gained industrial experience on the Shell STEP programme as a Research & Development Engineer at Raytec Ltd, Ashington, Northumberland, UK, doing mainly thermal and photometric work on high power white light and IR LEDs. I frequently revisited Raytec after the Shell programme to continue development work. My industrial experience was expanded by becoming an E3 Academy Scholar and undertaking work at Cummins Generator Technologies, Stamford, UK as a Research & Technology Engineer, mainly working on electromagnetics and experiment design. I worked at the Centre for Advanced Electrical Drives at Newcastle University, researching novel electrical machines and drives, where I am still involved in some projects and consulting work. For more information, please visit my LinkedIn page:
Focus Electric Machines  
Skills Clean Technology, Energy Industry, Propulsion, Electromagnetics  

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"Come, Watson, come!" he cried. "The game is afoot."
- Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure of the The Abbey Grange
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