Patexia Rushi Gajjar’s

Rushi Gajjar > About Me

Profile Info & Bio

First Name
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Electronics Systems Designer
Country India  
Interests Science and Technology  
Working on embedded system design with cliental project experience in HITACHI-HLI and TATA-HITACHI Construction Machinaries ltd., Near Ahmedabad Area, India. A Electronics & Communication Graduate hiking to reach the desired milestone in the electronics manufacturing industry, in the field of projects involving new platforms like automation, manufacturing and electronics designing. I'd like to work on a breadth of technology, creating innovative solutions to difficult problems. I've been involved with electronics and computer gizmos in some form since I was a child - and that’s something I've never stopped learning. I love to do research on challenged topics. ♦ Objective To gain a dynamic and challenging role in the area of electronics, Embedded and process automation engineering that will offer be the best opportunity for further development of my abilities, skills and knowledge in an established firm with great career growth possibilities. I have a lot spirit to work in the industry. ♦ Short Term Goal: Is to work on the respected job where I can learn the new things. I will love to do the job with the new challenges. If I'm not up to the marks of the company’s required skills, I will develop the skills. Expertise: Microcontrollers Embedded C PCB Design with Protel Circuit Design Fluent in Gujarati, Hindi and proficient in English.
Department Electronics And Communication  
Focus Embedded Systems  
Skills Programming Languages, Embedded Devices, Telecommunications, Semiconductors, Consumer Electronics, Analog Circuit, Sensors, Invention, Electronic design automation (EDA)  

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"Come, Watson, come!" he cried. "The game is afoot."
- Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure of the The Abbey Grange
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