Patexia Hugo Macedo’s

Hugo Macedo > About Me

Profile Info & Bio

First Name
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Country United Kingdom  
Interests Science and Technology  
Degree: Ph.D  
My rule of thumb: there is no such thing as an impossible task. Throughout my PhD in Tissue Engineering I was constantly challenged with new and diverse tasks, in a multidisciplinary environment, where I breathed skills from chemical engineering to stem cell technology, including membrane technology, hydrodynamics, stem cell culture and bioprocessing, human blood production, amongst many others. This provided me with the right tools to create the first "3D hollow fibre bioreactor for the production of human red blood cells", a system design that has been patented. This work was featured in different magazines such as Metro and got the cover page of The Chemical Engineer (TCE) in November 2011, amongst others. My presentation skills were also highlighted when I won the first prize for best PhD student presentation at the Chemical Engineering PhD Symposium 2010, chosen by a panel of Academics and Industrial partners at Imperial College London. If I should define myself in one word, that would be "Entrepreneur". I have been involved in several different projects, mainly giving wings to my entrepreneurial spirit, participating in different entrepreneurship competitions, including a mini-MBA by the Imperial College Business School, as the ideator, which I eventually got to the final 10 at the Design London Entrepreneurial Bootcamp in 2009. My approach in life was very well observed by Robert F. Kennedy: "There are those that look at things the way they are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why not." And I keep dreaming... All of these experiences have given me strong analytical skills, excellent problem-solving and the will to think out of the box. I am also very pro-active and excel at multitasking under pressure and tight deadlines. Being a highly motivated person, who enjoys being constantly challenged, I look forward to hear about new and exciting ventures.
Department Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology  
Focus Bioreactors, stem cells, bioprocessing, cell culture, membrane technology  
Skills Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Clean Technology, Chemical Engineering, Stem Cells, Medical Devices, Medical Imaging, Intellectual Property, Biochemistry, Bioengineering, Biofuels, Biotechnology, Evolution, Speech Processing, Acoustics, Wireless and Sensor Networks, Manufacturing, Product Design, Surgery, Biomechanics, Tissue Engineering  

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"Come, Watson, come!" he cried. "The game is afoot."
- Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure of the The Abbey Grange
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