Patexia Philippe Laurent’s

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IP/IT & Commercial Lawyer
Interests Science and Technology  
Philippe Laurent is lawyer at the Brussels Bar and counsel at the law firm of Marx Van Ranst Vermeersch & Partners (MVVP), where he advises and assists clients on Intellectual Property (copyrights, trademarks, desings, patents, database rights, trade secrets,...) and Information Technology law matters (data protection, privacy, online contracting, E-commerce, E-marketing, outsourcing, cloud computing, domain names...). His practice encompasses also a wide range of commercial law matters, including any forms of distribution (exclusive distributorship, agency, franchising agreements,...), promotion and advertisement of goods and services, trade practices and consumer protection compliance. He acquired an extended and diversified experience in IP, commercial and private law litigations and usually advises businesses in the software development & services, information processing, advertisement, media & entertainment, on-line commerce, goods distribution and data driven sectors. Philippe is also senior researcher at the Research Centre - Information, Law & Society (CRIDS) of the University of Namur, where he studies the legal aspects of intellectual property licensing, data and software protection, open source and open content schemes, cloud computing and the governance of the Internet. He advised the European Commission on the open source licensing of its software, and is currently working on the development of a local FOSS expertise centre. He is also currently doing a PhD on IP licensing. Philippe is appointed by the CEPANI as Third-Party Decider for ".be" domain name disputes. He is also alternate member of the copyrights and neighbouring rights section of the Intellectual Property Council of the Belgian Ministry of Economy (SPF Economie). For a more detailed overview of his researches, publications, speeches and activities, please follow this link : Specialties:Intellectual property law (copyright, trademarks, patents,...) Commercial transactions & litigation Data protection & privacy law E-commerce
Skills Social Media, Health Information Technology & Telemedicine, Computer Networks, Computer Software, Big Data, Internet Privacy & Online Identity  

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"Come, Watson, come!" he cried. "The game is afoot."
- Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure of the The Abbey Grange
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