Patexia Julien Hering’s

Julien Hering > About Me

Profile Info & Bio

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Country France  
Interests Science and Technology  
Degree: Ph.D  
PhD in Neuroscience, I have lead several basic research projects in the field of neuroscience on ion channels, cerebellum, epilepsy, pharmacology... My experimental approaches were wide using electrophysiology, pharmacology, cellular and molecular biology, cell culture, biophysics, imaging and microscopy. I have developed my own projects and also in collaboration with international teams, for instance within an European consortium of eight academic and private laboratories. My career of researcher in great laboratories (Ecole Normale Superieure, Institut Pasteur, Riken) give me the opportunity to get solid technical and theoretical experience and strong skills in projects management. I have been also teaching in universities since ten years. I have co-founded "Collectif PAPERA" in 2008 in order to provide supports to PhD students, PhDs and other casual workers in Higher Education and pubic basic research in France. One of the aims of PAPERA is to increase the consideration of PhDs in France. I have than built an expertise in PhD programs, doctoral policies, French Higher Education and Research (and at international level too). We are making some lobbying at the French minister of higher Education and Research, the Presidents of Universties, and other local actors. I have create and animated a community aroud this topic with meetings, conferences, broadcasting of informations, and internet (website and social media). By joining these extensive professional experiences of researcher, academic teacher, associative involvement, I decide to found my company in order to let my skills and knowledge work for the PhDs community, which I know well. I provide advice and training in professional and scientific social networks, in web 2.0 and science 2.0. - My objectives: lead the academics and R&D researchers to the state of Scientists 2.0 with the ability of mastering numerical scientific and collaborative tools in order to work better and improve their professional mobility. - My project: develop an online training plateform (e-learning and social learning) that provide an innovative training tool that fit to the needs of researchers and the way they are working.
Focus Science 2.0, scientific and pro networks, digital research, personal branding, e-reputation, research  
Skills Social Media, Drug Discovery, Design, Development, and Delivery  

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"Come, Watson, come!" he cried. "The game is afoot."
- Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure of the The Abbey Grange
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