Patexia Brian Dodson’s

Brian Dodson > About Me

Profile Info & Bio

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Albuquerque, NM
Interests Science and Technology  
Brian Dodson is President of his own Research Consultancy, Dodson Consultants. After earning his PhD in physics from the University of Illinois, he joined the fundamental research group at Sandia National Laboratories in 1980. His research there included such divergent topics as semiconductor materials, surface physics, explosives chemistry, nanomaterials, quantum computing, and engineering failure analysis, resulting in over 60 peer-reviewed publications which have attracted nearly 5000 references. He also worked in Sandia’s IP group within the Legal VP, through which he became experienced and highly successful at writing and prosecuting patents in a wide range of technologies. In this role, he also played a substantial role in establishing technology transfer policy/process for Sandia. Other professional activities included serving as Director for NSF’s Materials Theory program, working on the NASA team analyzing the Columbia Space Shuttle accident, and founding a start-up company in pharmaceutical delivery. In his spare time, Brian is an opera tenor, a professional videographer, a ham radio operator, and enjoys reading and writing escape fiction.

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"Come, Watson, come!" he cried. "The game is afoot."
- Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure of the The Abbey Grange
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