Patexia Margaret Baker,’s

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Patent Agent
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Margaret (Meg) Baker, PhD: an Independent Consultant, since February 2012. A research scientist and Registered Patent Agent with over 30 years experience related to discovery, development, marketing, valuation and, in particular, the intellectual property protection of, medicines and technology platforms related to therapeutics. Previously, a Patent Manager at Johnson & Johnson. Provided IP support to Centocor and J&J for 11 years and to start-ups and other multinationals for the four years prior; drafted over 80 biotechnology patents, conducted hundreds of detailed searches (including sequences) for FTO and patentability, designed work-around strategies, provided detailed pipeline and patent expiration information and assistance for evaluation of bio-similar and bio-better business strategies and licensing and acquisitions. Direct experience in: monoclonal antibodies and non-antibody scaffolds, bioconjugates, bioprocesses, immunoliposomal formulations, analytic methods for selecting or ranking biophysical properties of biopharmaceuticals, biomarkers useful for patient or treatment identification and monitoring, miRNA, and molecular vaccines. Previously, studied and worked on oxidative damage and repair of proteins and DNA. Researcher at Stanford University (post-doc) and University of Pennsylvania (Asst Prof) in the field of radiation therapy, chemotherapy development and delivery, and an oncology group leader in two start-up biotech companies. Dr. Baker has an A.B. in biochemistry (UC Berkeley), MS, Columbia U and PhD, UC Davis in Nutrition and Pharmacology.

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"Come, Watson, come!" he cried. "The game is afoot."
- Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure of the The Abbey Grange
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