Patexia Serguei Ponochevny’s

Serguei Ponochevny > About Me

Profile Info & Bio

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Assistant Professor
Country Belarus  
Interests Science and Technology  
Degree: Ph.D  
Languages English, German, Russian, Belarusian  
Serguei Ponochevny is an Assistant Professor at Belarusian State Medical College in Minsk, Belarus. He received the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy from Minsk State Medical University in 2004. His thesis related to occupational therapy, allergology-immunology, and it was recognized as the best PhD thesis defended in 2004 in Belarus due to the excellent biostatistic evidence provided. Serguei Ponochevny has been working as a physician specializing in internal medicine, allergology, immunology, cardiology and TCM (acupuncture). Besides, he has been delivering lectures and practical training to medical students. Though no educational facilities in Belarus provide training in biostatistics, and biostatisticians are not included in the national occupational classification in Belarus, Serguei, being a staunch supporter of evidence-based medicine, has undertaken his self study using international training resources such as SAS Institute, Coursera, UDEMY, edX, the Udacity etc. In fact, he is a pioneer of biostatistics in Belarus. Serguei was the first person in Belarus who applied SAS system for biostatictics support to clinical trials. By now he has more than 15 years of clinical research experience, he has been involved in designing trials and analyzing data in a number of therapeutic areas, including allergies and immune disorders, occupational and cardiovascular diseases. My scientific research activities are focused on projects connected with evidence based medicine, including: 1. Mastering principles and methods of performing substantiated biomedical investigations in compliance with international scientific standards; 2. Using modern software applications for statistical data processing, such as SAS, R, STATA, SPSS, MINITAB, PASS, nQuery+nTerim, Ti-89 Titanium; 3. Direct participation in experimental scientific investigations, clinical tests of medicines and of methods of treating professional diseases and diseases of aging. A separate area of scientific interest for me is the development of new approaches in medical treatment using the advantages of the integrative medicine (first of all, combining methods of the TCM and those of the modern medicine).
Department Healthcare  
Focus Projects connected with evidence based medicine, biostatistics  

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