Casey Kristin Frye
Nov 16, 2011

Agilent Technologies announces new product

Today, Agilent Technologies announced their first ever high speed M9703A digitizer, designed for use in applied physics applications. The M9703A  is an AXle module with a single slot. It has four-or-eight channel acquisition, which is capable of running at 1 GSa/s to 3.2 GSa/s. Several features that come with the digitizer include: large-scale system configurations, a four lane PCI Express Gen 2 backplane, 1 GHz of analog bandwidth (provided instantaneously), and the ability to enable long acquisitions with up to 4 GB of on board memory. This product includes an advanced interface that will support other Agilent high speed products, thus simplifying integration into systems that already contain Agilent CompactPCI digitizer modules.The M9703A digitizer, starting at a modest $70,392, is now available for order.


SOURCE: Agilent Technology Press Release
