Protein responsible for regulating neurotransmission identified

A recent study conducted by Weill Cornell Medical College discovered that a protein, alpha 2 delta,  is responsible for regulating effective communication between brain neurons. Alpha 2 delta functions like a spigot that controls neurotransmitters. Researchers discovered that alpha 2 delta determines how many calcium channels will be present at the synaptic junction between neurons, and that the volume and speed of neurotransmission depends on the availability of these channels. Taking away alpha 2 delta prevents neurotransmission, but adding more of this protein allows the release of more neurotransmitters at synapses. Alpha 2 delta is targeted by the pain drug Lyrica which switches the neurotransmitter spigots on and off, thus treating neurological disorders. Results of the study gives way to the development of new drugs to improve communication between brain cells and effectively treat neurological disorders.