Scott Mckeown
Dec 7, 2017

PTAB Collects Amici on Tribal Immunity Dispute

Tribal Immunity in Focus at PTAB

Previously I explained that the 7th amendment argument in Oil States and the 11th amendment argument for sovereign immunity from the PTAB are both tied to the same basic, threshold premise — IPR is a trial proceeding akin to an Article III lawsuit. Recent amicus filings supporting the petitioner echo that sentiment.

In response to the PTAB Order earlier this month authorizing amicus briefing, input from a number of organizations has been received.  The complete set is linked below.

Amicus Curiae Brief of the Oglala Sioux Tribe (here)

Amicus Curiae Brief of the Public Knowledge and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (here)

Amicus Curiae Brief of Scholars (here)

Amicus Curiae Brief of Askeladden LLC (here)

Amicus Curiae Brief of Deva Holding A.S. (here)

Amicus Curiae Brief of the High Tech Inventors Alliance (here)

Amicus Curiae Brief of the Seneca Nation (here)

Amicus Curiae Brief of the NAIPEC (here)

Amicus Curiae Brief of U.S. Inventor, LLC (here)

Amicus Curiae Brief of the SIIA (here)

Amicus Curiae Brief of The National Congress of American Indians et al.(here)

Amicus Curiae Brief of Luis Ortiz and Kermit Lopez (here)

Amicus Curiae Brief of The Association for Accessible Medicines (here)

Amicus Curiae Brief of The BSA | The Software Alliance (here)

Amicus Curiae Brief of James R. Major (here)


Scott A. McKeown is an author of the Patents Post Grant.
